Freitag, 23. Februar 2018

Evolucion de la representacion de la Arquitectura de la historia

In the previous class we heard that representation of the architecture had always a very important role in the history. From the macquet of terracotta,Egypt and papyrus art, representation in reliefs, frescoes in Roman Imperial, to the first days of perspective drawings and surreal romanticism in Spain and all the way to 20th century and first computers, visual effects, films, renders to CAD. There is always a question, what is the best way to present a work in all of its beautifulness? Now we have so many ways to present our buildings, we do not have a lack of effects that we can choose. 

Macquet of terracotta

Egypt and papyrus art

  Representation in reliefs

Frescoes in Roman Imperial

Surreal romanticism in Spain

Sketchpad by Ivan Sutherland, 1963




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